Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Prescription Pet Food Scam or worth it?

As Mommy mentioned previously I have been on a special blend of  Cat chow. It is the Royal Canin SO blend. Recently, we were wondering if I had to stay on this food all of my life. I know it costs Mommy a fortune, actually, our friend Steve has been paying for it, and the research seems to be divided on this. Some people think commercial SO blend catfood is a bit of scam and it costs big money over time. I think Mommy is always going to consult with the vet about what kind of wet food, I can try. The big thing is to keep urinary crystals from forming.

Hills Diet C/D

One of the possibilities is Hills Science Diet C/D which is a wet food that prevents crystals from forming. However, upon price comparison, the Royal Canin when purchased from a reputable seller like is actually cheaper. It is up to you as to which brand to use. Other grain free wet foods might be safe to use, and some cat's have found relief by using raw foods from home.

Mommy Investigates

Luckily, I have a Mommy that is willing to go the extra mile to investigate options for me. I want to save Mommy the most money possible, so she can buy more things for me!

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