Sunday, August 28, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Mommy went away this past weekend and left me with Chad and Jax.that yappy little dog! I must admit, I do like Jax's company..(but don't tell him that) I will never live it down. I don't want Jax to think I actually like him..Who Knows? He might even try to lick me or something! Jax has a licking fetish I have noticed. He is always licking people's faces, and I do not want him to lick way! I am very particular about my own washing, and I do a fine job of it, I might add!! Jax can stick to licking faces. If he took a page from me, he would learn to wash himself properly.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Last night I had some fun. Mommy let a moth into the house...and I chased it! I had loads of fun trying to catch the blasted little thing. In my kitten hood, those moths would occupy me for hours I would catch them let them fly away...and when they no longer entertained me. I would devour them. We cats need a little extra protein. I think that chasing moths are one of the finer things in life. It is almost as good as stretching out in the windowsill or finding a sunbeam. I am going to add some interesting information about cat's and playing later..One thing that is good about summer...Moths!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
It;s the calm before the storm. Mommy doesn't know, that I know that she is going away for the weekend, and my arch enemy Jax will be here. I think I will be doing a lot of closet sitting, because I just find few things to like about Jax. He sits underneath my table, and slobbers over toys. He eats my food when I am not looking, and he commands people's attention...attention, that you better believe, should be focused on me!! Yeah, it is gonna be a rough few day!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
What's the phone number for the nearest asylum?
So, last night mommy and I were doing are normal night time sleeping, when all of sudden, she wakes up saying "Help me, Help me" in a strangled voice. I heard her tell our housemate she was dreaming about being attacked in a restaurant...Of course I know, she was watching Scream...before she went to sleep on Netflix!...Is this woman crazy or what?? Why me? I DO NOT LIKE TO HAVE MY SLEEP RUDELY INTERUPPTED! I think I should have the asylum on speed dial, in case mommy pulls a trick like that again! Silly woman! I thought something terrible was happening to her. Even I know that watching scary movies or TV shows before bed can bring on nightmares!
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Well today was a total arch enemy Jax is here, along with his noisy owner. I skulked away to my favorite hiding spot,,,until mommy insisted I come out. I might show a picture of Jax tommorrow...but I want an honest opinion...Is he really cuter than me??? Well is he? I don't think SO!!!! Dogs are quite silly in my opinion, and that is the one that matters!
Saturday, August 13, 2016
What the heck is going on?
Chad...the man who lives now working outside. He is moving all his equipment and scaring me a little. He makes a lot of noise. As long as he doesn't move any of my stuff,,,I guess it is OK! Chad seems to think I need to be petted when I eat my food..Well, it does make it all taste better when I get some attention..I will agree with that! I hope he doesn't get too hot out there....Well...not my problem! People are sooo silly!! Why doesn't he stay in the AC?
Friday, August 12, 2016
Well today, Mommy was involved with her computer. I tried to lok as adorable as possible to get attention, but mostly I was ignored. I decided to pout and sit in the closet. Let her wonder where I am..I will be snickering to I sit in my hiding place..Actually, she might be on to this one..I might need to find another place, that she is not so sure about. I will move to it..when it seems right!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
When will the Fall ever get here?
I am so tired of it being hot in the house all the time! MOMMY does not turn on the Air Conditioner enough..Doesn't she know we kitties get hot? How would she like to go around in a fur suit all the time? I have to sit on the bathroom vanity or some cooling relief..Mommy, you need to turn on that Air Conditioner!! Maybe if I stare at her long enough..she will get the hint. I think she is a bit slow, I have been trying to get her attention for weeks now. and all I get is the fan and ice cubes in my water bowl..What do I have to do? Come on September!!!!
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Mommy's Singing
Well Mommy was singing this morning. I think she thought it was amusing. Her version of "What's new Pussycat?" hurt my eardrums. I thought she would get the message when I laid my earns flat on my head. Apparently, some people are a bit slow!!! Mommy...What the heck? Save your next rendition for when you are in the car please! I can only have so much cacophony in my life!
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