OK, one thing you should know about me is that I am kind of a special needs cat. I developed some stones in my urinary tract, last month, and even though it was a traumatic experience for me..Mommy took me to the vet, and got me some of this food. Cats, like myself can develop stones in their bladder and urniary tract, and may need treatment with specialized food. The Royal Canin SO does not taste bad at all, and I like it! That is really good, because I don't like a lot of food. This comes in a dry and wet forumulation and can help with the formulation of kidney stones. Many conditions can cause the development of kidney stones, and these might include stress, genetic suspectibility o other things. I have had some UTI's in the past, nd when I started to cry out when using the litterbox..mommy in her wisdom knew it as time to take me to the vetenarian. The vet wants to keep me on this food. I do want to tell you petowners out there that might be reading my blog to take my fellow cat friends to the vet if they are experiencing pain and problems while using the litterpan. Your vet will know what to do! Take us to the vet before we end up with a blockage!
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